The Rage in a bull …

Being mad as a hatter, being mad as yourself, beliving your a hatter. In a mad land far away fromreality check and bloodpressure, you might assume your a turkey running wild. Being missplaced; lost for sure during your everyday jogg trough countryside being ashamed of your true identity and place in lifewheel called your sentence during theatime. Continusly seeking the bloodline during a wounded heart, shoot down by a evil misscaraged angry mob of heyenas.

Only takeing a bite of your past scentens brought to you during commercials while being put of; enough as(s) it is. Haveing your last break. Figurering your last scentense over thea time in other part of the world. You realize that you just have lost the last piece of your understanding while you even wasn´t there. Placed in order to function for a higher cause they told you. Meaning your next in line for suckerpunch. You duck un-intensionsly. Losing your glasses. Finding a room in the wall. A Crypt where you can hide for not being a good gunner. Being missed by only a handfull of ants playing games inside your mind. Cause how are you well being. Walking the celling with rubber boots and a helmet of clay.

Thinking backwords or neither breathing then eating slices of your countions. Fireflys circeling around you like angry fire bullets. Haveing a blast or just being passed. By the locomotive of a angry wizard. Speeding lightspeed ahead of everyone careing to try noticing him blowing himself skyways away. He´s a hero now. Blowing smoke up the chimney. Telling storys of unicorns flying sideways doing airline commercial.

There´s your life in a bucket. Rocking sideways throught storms upcome by emotions of a past that wasn´t meant for this world. Drawn like EKG´s on the celling when you malfunction in the middle. Reseting by twitching the electric´s flying airmiles to nearest hospital. Kickstarting your heart while it feels like you fainting in to cloudy streets of unknown cities. Burn marks on your chest meaing you did confess that life is worthy of being attached to for a while more. Stepping like Chaplin. Catching the sunlight with your eyes. Hello world this is a message from the center of feel good. Im gonna make it through ...


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